François Anceau

A Model for Consciousness Based on the Sequential Behavior of Voluntary Actions


We have developed a model for consciousness in which the capability of focusing the attention seems to be the same mechanism as the one used for triggering the conscious mental functions. This mechanism makes conscious thinking an extension of the voluntary attention as defined by A.H.Luria.

We will call "Attention Point" the focusing point of the voluntary attention process. The moving of this point makes conscious thinking serial, as we can see every day. When a conscious process is operating, this point triggers automatic functions by visiting successively their triggering areas in the mental space.

From an evolution point of view, we will suppose that the emergence of the mechanism of consciousness has risen from the basic attention mechanism through an increase of its triggering possibilities. This evolution process had could give to the attention point the capacity to move outside the sensory areas,
opening the possibility of paying attention to abstract notions.

We propose that the consciousness mechanism could be a framework providing facilities to make possible the very existence of the high-level non-conscious cerebral functions such as intelligence, long-term memory, reasoning,... One of the most important of these facilities would be to provide these mental functions with a timing coherence due to a kind of consistency mechanism. Thereby such a timing consistency could be the consequence of the seriality of the conscious activation of the automatic mental functions.

This model differs from the GW model defined by BJ. Baars where the sequentiality of the conscious processes appears to be a by-product of the shortage of neural resources needed to run them. It differs also from the models where consciousness consist of giving meaning to perceptions.


F. Anceau, Vers une étude objective de la conscience, Hermès Science, Paris, 1999