UPM Autonomous Systems Laboratory

Bounding Autonomy

In a sense, full autonomy seems to be the central objective of any automatic control systems research program. But, for different reasons, it is not. Let’s analise some of the reasons for this apparent paradox. First, nobody in charge of real production systems want the plants to be fully autonomous because of Read more…

UPM_innovatech 2T Challenge 2020

El equipo ASLab se ha presentado al concurso UPM_innovatech 2T Challenge obteniendo el 1er Premio. Esta es una iniciativa de desafío competitivo para investigadores, pionera en España, que busca reconocer y premiar las tecnologías más innovadoras de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y contribuir a su desarrollo y comercialización. La Read more…

Hello autonomy world!

The Autonomous Systems Laboratory (ASLab) is a research group of UPM focused on the science and technology of autonomy. We investigate architectures and engineering methods for the construction of robust autonomous systems. Autonomy is a technical property of systems that make them capable of sustained provision of a particular service Read more…

Robustness and Resilience

for Autonomous Systems An ASLab Research Seminar Our lives depend on the technical infrastructure that surrounds us. The contemporary -beginnings of XXI century- human ecosystem is composed not just of our preys, our predators, the fruits to gather and the inclement climate. If we consider our day-to-day lives we found Read more…

Manuel G. Bedia – Sistemas Cognitivos

Aproximación interdisciplinar y dispositivos inteligentes Manuel Bedia ha organizado un curso de Sistemas Cognitivos en la Universidad de Zaragoza. El cerebro humano y las capacidades cognitivas que genera configuran el dispositivo de procesamiento de información más complejo y sofisticado que se conoce. Abordar dicha complejidad sólo es posible a partir Read more…