AI for Conscious Machines

November 14, 2013

The many challenges of Artificial Intelligence. November 13-15 2023

A workshop to evaluate the challenges and repercussions of the “new” Artificial Intelligence (AI) taking place at Residencia La Cristalera, Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid).

It has been organized by Juan Poyatos (CNB), Juan Rodríguez (IIIA), and David Ríos (ICMAT) abd sponsored by AIHub-CSIC and the AXA Research Fund.

There I gave a talk on machine consciousness based on our current activity in the Horizon Europe projects CORESENSE and METATOOL.

Autonomous robots’ personae

Autonomous robots are seen by engineers as mere human avatars deployed for the benefit of some absent principal. Other times, when bound to research in cognitive science, they are seen as mere plastic and metal incarnations of some fundamental, effortfully distilled essence of human beings.

They are not.


Our dissemination team has prepared another movie describing some robotics activities inside the ROBOMINERS Horizon 2020 project. In the movie we see activity at UPM (Spain), TalTech (Estonia), and TAU (Finland) in some of the themes related to ROBOMINERS.

We at UPM are involed in two main activities: the implementation of the RM2 robot miner pratotype and the construction of the high-level autonomy software.

Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness

The Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness (JAIC) will offer a multidisciplinary platform to discuss AI and consciousness in the light of robotics and artificial systems, computational science, psychology, philosophy of mind, ethics, and neuroscience.

The aims and scope of the journal are:

  • articles that take inspiration from biological consciousness and/or that explore theoretical issues of consciousness to build robots and AI systems that show forms of functional consciousness;
  • articles that employ robots and AI systems as tools to model and better understand biological mechanisms of consciousness;
  • articles that discuss ethical problems emerging or uncovered through the overlap of AI and consciousness, and that investigate the ethical and societal impact of consciousness and the limits of it, and
  • to pursue the hybridization between the field of AI and the field of consciousness studies.

Go to JAIC journal website.

Lógica y Terminators

La inteligencia artificial es una tecnología muy relevante y de gran impacto potencial en la industria y la sociedad. En esta charla se comentaron algunos de los principales temas que sirvieron de base para un debate con los futuros ingenieros industriales de UPM ETSII. Una conferencia pronunciada dentro del ciclo de conferencias Hazte Industrial.

La versión PDF de las diapositivas de la charla se puede descargar desde aquí.